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Curriculum KEYS: Values, Horizons, Equity, World, Love

Values Horizons Equity World Love





British Values

There are five fundamental British Values which are at the core of many of the subjects we teach discretely. These values are:

The Rule of law;


Mutual respect;


Individual liberty.

The development of these values, which are taught largely through curriculum subjects, help to ensure that all pupils are successful and become responsible members of the school and local community.

At EBPS, British Values is not taught as a discrete subject, although there are events in school that focus on a particular value. For example in the Autumn term, democracy is the focus in the lead up to polling day when the School Council are elected. British Values are predominately taught through curriculum subjects such as PSHE, RE, PE, History and Geography. These subjects, along with others, provide children with opportunities to explore and sometimes challenge their own and others’ beliefs, attitudes, values, rights and responsibilities.

The impact of British Values can be seen in the way children demonstrate them when they are speaking and in the way they behave and conduct themselves.

When children leave EBPS, they will have gathered knowledge and acquired and built on the skills needed in order to live healthy, safe, ambitious, responsible lives in their community and today’s world.


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How assessed (what’s the impact?) 

British Values

Clare Lawton

Values and British Values are taught all the time through many subjects and situations that may happen both in and out of the classroom. They are taught through class discussions, assemblies and through other curriculum subjects from EYFS through to Year 6.

Not taught as a discrete lesson, but through subjects such as PSHE, History, Geography, PE and RE. Values are also taught in assemblies.

Understanding of values, including British Values can be monitored through pupil voice. It can also be monitored by how children conduct themselves around school and in activities outside of school when children share achievements etc. Observations can also be made of reactions and contributions to discussions and scenarios both in the classroom and on the playground.