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Reception In Action

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For Parents and Carers of our new Reception children: 

A very warm welcome to you and your child to Earls Barton Primary School; whether you already have older children at our school or this is your first child, we are very much looking forward to working in partnership with you during the years ahead.

We will update this page regularly with everything you need to know about your child starting school with us and events planned for the summer term to enable us to get to know your child.

We will also be sending a link to sign up to our school communicaiton system, Parentmail, so please keep an eye out for this.

Classes for September  2024:

We have been allocated 75 Reception children in the first round of allocations which will mean three classes of twenty-five children. We know we have some families who are appealing for a place at our school, therefore we will finalise class numbers after the outcome of all appeals is known. To ensure a fair balance of children, class groups and class teachers will not be finalised until July when we have completed all of our transition work with children, families and nurseries.

Term dates for 2024-2025: 

Can be found here.

Please note that term-time holidays will not be authorised. 

Wraparound Care: 

We are delighted to be able to offer wraparound care in our school hall from Happy Hols which is open from 7:30am – 6pm daily and a flier is enclosed.

Happy Hols are a very experienced wraparound care provider with an emphasis on high-quality play and is staffed by fully qualified playworkers and led by the manager Wendy Bell.

For more information please email Wendyat .  Application packs can be collected from the school office.

School lunch and snack: 

Children in Reception, Year One and Year Two are all entitled to a free school lunch every day. This can be a hot lunch or a provided packed sandwich lunch. You need to order these via our caterer Kingswood before 8am each day. The easiest way is to order for a full term ahead of time. If you do not want to take-up the free lunch, you can provide your child with a healthy packed lunch from home.

Children in Reception are given a free piece of fruit every day. We also offer an afternoon snack for which there is a small charge of £5 per term (£15 per year).

Please ensure you inform the school and Kingswood catering of any allergies. 

Pupil Premium (formerly known as Free School Meals): 

Please indicate on the data collection sheet if your child is eligible for Pupil Premium (a sum of money given to schools by the government for children from certain low income families).  If you are not sure if your child might be eligible for Pupil Premium, please speak to us in confidence about this as we can easily check your eligibility with just your National Insurance number. Alternatively you can check eligibility and apply at  North Northamptonshire Council website.

What children will need: Reception

School uniform which can be purchased from any high street retailer or supermarket. The bottle green logoed jumper / sweatshirt / cardigan and white logoed polo t-shirt can be purchased from Stevenson’s school wear shop on Abington Square in Northampton town centre. Logoed book bags can also be purchased here. Plain items are also permitted and can be purchased from any high street supermarket.

Children should bring the following to school with them each day and all items should be clearly named please:

  • Water bottle filled with water only (and can be refilled during the day)
  • Packed lunch box (unless they are having hot dinners which are free for every child in Reception, Years One and Two)
  • Bookbag (clearly named)

What to wear: Reception

Children should wear their full school uniform to school every day except the days when their class has PE. Reception children can wear their PE kit to school and all day on their one PE day which we will confirm nearer the time.

Please ensure all items are named (especially book bags, coats, cardigans and jumpers!)

September 2024: Building work

Our school is having an extension of five new classrooms which will be built in the existing car park to provide a link corridor between the former infant and junior buildings. This building work will commence in the summer holiday. The school site will have to be managed and risk-assessed differently for the duration of the build and there will be large boards (hoardings) on the school site to ensure the safety of all children, families and other site users.

Dates to remember:

Teddy bears’ picnic:  

We would like to invite all of our new children with one parent / carer to join us for a teddy bears’ picnic on Thursday 27th June from 1:15pm – 2:30pm. On this day, please bring a picnic blanket, a picnic lunch / snacks and a drink and your child’s favourite teddy bear! School staff will join the picnic and it will be an informal chance for children to visit our school, see the playgrounds and Reception / Early Yearsclassroom and share a story with a member of our Reception team.  

Stay and Play / transition day:  

On Monday 1st July 2024 we would like to invite each of our new children and one parent / carer into school for a stay and play session. To ensure the teachers can get to know each child, we would like half the children to come to stay and play in the morning and half in the afternoon.   

Children with surnames beginning with letters A-L and their one parent / carer are invited to attend in the morning: 9.30am – 11:30am  

Children with surnames M-Z are invited to attend in the afternoon: 1.15-3:15pm  

Key information for your child’s start of school:  

Week beginning

Monday 2nd

Tuesday 3rd

Wednesday 4th

Thursday 5th

Friday 6th

Monday 2nd September 2024


INSET day (staff training) school closed to children

INSET day (staff training) school closed to children

Group A attend 9:00am 11:45am

Group B attend 12:45 – 3:30pm

Group A attend 9:00am 11:45am

Group B attend 12:45pm – 3:30pm

Group A attend 9:00am 11:45am

Group B attend 12:45pm – 3:30pm


Mon 9th

Tues 10th

Wed 11th

Thurs 12th

Fri 13th

Monday 9th September


Morning plus lunch OR afternoon session:

Group A attend 9:00am – 12:30pm (to include lunch)

Group B attend 1:00pm – 3:30pm

Morning only OR lunch with afternoon session:

Group A attend 9:00am – 11:45am

Group B attend 12.00 - 3.30 (to include lunch)

All children to attend 8:45am – 1:15pm (to include lunch)

All children to attend 8:45am – 1:15pm (to include lunch)


All children to attend 8:45am – 3:30pm (to include lunch)

Monday 16th September 2024


All children full-time 8:45am – 3:30pm all week and from now on


Children with surnames A-L - Group A  

Children with surnames M – Z – Group B