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Please note children do not need to bring PE kit into school and are asked to wear PE kit to school on their PE days. On other days uniform should be worn.

We expect all of our pupils to wear school uniform as it gives a greater sense of belonging and pride.

Our Earls Barton Primary School banded uniform is available from the Stevensons Uniform Shop Non branded uniform items can be purchased from most supermarkets and high street stores. The uniform list available to buy is at the bottom of this article.

School Uniform

The uniform consists of:

  • Sweatshirt/cardigan with school badge (available from Stevenson’s Schoolwear in Abington square, Northampton or online at or sweatshirt/cardigan/jumper in plain bottle green with no hood. All logo’d items are optional.
  • White or bottle green polo shirt with school badge OR polo shirt in plain white or bottle green (no logos or stripes), or  plain white shirt/blouse.
  • Trousers/tailoredshorts/skirts/pinafore dresses in plain black or grey (no logos or stripes). Skirts and dresses should sit just above the knee and shorts should be no higher than mid-thigh. Cycling shorts are for PE days only.
  • Summer dresses/skirts may be worn - either green/white striped or green/white checked. Skirts and dresses should sit just above the knee.
  • Socks may be knee high or ankle length. Socks or tights should be white, bottle green, grey or black.
  • Green book bag and PE drawstring bag with logo - purchased via Stevenson’s Schoolwear, or alternative plain bottle green book bag.
  • PE kit consists of white or bottle green T-shirt with logo and green shorts– or plain white T-shirt and bottle green/black shorts (cycling shorts are permitted) – plain black plimsolls or trainers (of any colour).  Black or bottle green tracksuit bottoms /leggings and a plain black or bottle green sweatshirt may also be worn during winter months. Branded t-shirts, colourful t-shirts, branded or striped trousers should not be worn on PE days.
  • Fleece jackets in bottle green with logo (optional) are also available.
  • Logo’d items are ALL optional – these can be purchased from Stevenson’s Schoolwear shop on Abington Square, Northampton or via
  • Sensible well-fitting watches (not bangle type and not smart watches or those that can access the internet) can be worn to help children tell the time. The school takes no responsibility for these items if they are lost, damaged or broken. Watches must be removed for PE.
  • No jewellery except one pair of stud earrings may be worn in school. The school takes no responsibility for these items if they are lost, damaged, or broken. These must be removed by parents/children for all physical activities else the child will have to temporarily miss the activity. Earrings cannot be covered with tape.
  • Nail varnish, make-up, excessive hair gel, hair colours or braids, wristbands, tattoos or transfers should not be worn in school.  Long hair should be tied and secured for PE. Hair accessories should be in school colours and be minimalistic.
  •  As well as the above items, children are expected to wear sensible footwear – black shoes or plain black trainers). Shoes must not have heels in excess of 2cm. Plain black trainers can be worn every day (even non-PE days) to save parents / carers having to purchase two pairs of shoes. These must be completely plain and non-branded.
  • If a specific item needs to be worn for religious observance or a medical reason please come into school to discuss with the Headteacher.
  • All items of clothing must be clearly marked with the current owner’s name, and re-named frequently to ensure it can be clearly identified.

The intentions of adopting a school uniform policy are:

  • to give all children a sense of corporate identity - of ‘belonging’ to Earls Barton Primary School ;
  • to standardise items of clothing worn for school;
  • to maintain good levels of health and safety;
  • to maintain a neat and clean appearance that will hopefully be transferred to other aspects of children’s education;
  • to ease confrontation between parent and pupil about what should be worn to school;

These intentions will be communicated to parents and children on appropriate occasions or when the need arises.

The wearing of school uniform is not an option but an obligation. It is expected that parents and children will honour this agreement and make every effort to uphold the desired standard of dress.

Any parent experiencing problems in purchasing articles of uniform should initially contact the Office or arrange to meet with the Headteacher.

pdfStevensons Price List.pdf


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