Welcome to Earls Barton Primary School Website!

We are proud to be the co-headteachers of Earls Barton Primary School and invite you to explore our school website to gain an understanding of life in our school. However, the best way to truly know a school is to visit and we warmly welcome tours of our wonderful school. For current parents, this website contains a wealth of information and documents to complement the regular communication through ParentMail, weekly school newsletters and Twitter.
Earls Barton Primary School is at the heart of the community and we strive to ensure our children embody our school values both inside and outside of school. These values are: Self-belief, Honesty, Respect, Excellence and Kindness. We base our assemblies and rewards around our values to ensure they are high-profile and understood by all children.
As well as academic excellence, we also strive to give children a broader experience in terms of opportunities in sport, art, music, drama, community service and culture through an array of experiences, trips, visitors and in-school events. We are proud of the support we give to each and every child from our dedicated teaching and support staff. We are fortunate to have extra staff to support with children’s social and emotional well-being; we have a full-time Behaviour Support Assistant and a full-time Emotional Literacy Support Assistant, led by our Pastoral and Inclusion lead. We are a highly inclusive school with a reputation for nurturing children so that every child can achieve their potential.
We want to empower our children to be the change they want to see in the world and for them to leave primary school equipped and empowered to achieve their potential and to be a force for good.
One of our favourite educational quotes is from Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
In our little corner of the world, in Earls Barton, we plan to play our parts in making this a reality for the children and community we serve.
Miss M. Lally and Mr B. Morris