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On Wednesday 3rd July, we held our annual Earls Barton Primary School sports day on Earls Barton Rec. This was a wonderful afternoon of sport (despite the intermittent rain!) and showcased our children’s speed, agility, teamwork and resilience. Never letting a British summer stand in the way of our plans, we worked with an alternative format this year with children competing for their house teams but working in class groups. We held sprint race heats in class PE lessons so that every race had children of a similar speed competing for a coveted sticker! Every child raced at least once. The second round was field events including throwing, jumping and fitness activities in a circuit.

 Sports day

The hotly-contested medals went to every member of air house as they won the highest number of house points across the entire afternoon of sports day.

Special thanks, once again, to the Parish Council for permitting us to use the Rec. and the to Youth Club for permitting us to use their toilet facilities. Thanks also to the wonderful Young Sports Leaders from Wollaston Academy and their PE teacher, Mr Roberts. Finally, thanks to our staff for leading such a successful day and to the hundreds of parents, carers and other family members who came along to cheer on the children.

Clarinet concert

As the school year draws to a close, we have lots to celebrate. Our school firmly believes in educating “the whole child” and providing children with a strong foundation in their academic learning, as well as the pastoral support and memorable experiences which are the keys to happiness and a continued positive approach to education. This year has seen us achieve amazing results in teaching children to read, as well as other markers of academic success:

  • 94% of our Year One children passed their Phonics Screening Check (against a national average of around 80%)
  • 61% of our Key Stage One children leave infants at the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (against a national average of 57%)
  • 83% of our Year Six children leave the primary school reading at the expected standard, with 29% exceeding this measure (against national figures of 74% and 28% respectively)

However, we are ambitious to achieve our aim of “Excellence in Everything” and want to ensure every child succeeds, not just in their academic learning but in achieving their potential and developing themselves as a person and a good citizen of the school, the village and ultimately the wider world!

We do not stand still here and have lots of plans to continue to improve next academic year; both in terms of academics (maths will be a new focus) and in terms of our children being positive and contributory members of society. Thanks to Scott Bader who have kindly contributed to a new initiative “Bartonian Blooms” passport of experiences and good deeds we want all of our children to carry out. Watch this space for more details!

The building work continues at school. Unfortunately, this is already delayed with the staff car park unlikely to be complete in time for September. If there is any business locally who would be willing to let staff park on their site – please contact the school.

Music celebration

In some personal news, as of September, I shall be working in a co-headship arrangement with Mr Ben Morris (currently deputy head). Mr Morris and I both have young children we wish to be around for more and therefore governors have agreed to a co-headship with each of us leading the school on three days per week. Our commitment to EBPS is unwavering. This arrangement is a trial basis to allow all of the school community to reflect upon its success.

Wishing everybody a relaxing summer holiday.

Marie Lally

Headteacher, on behalf of the EBPS community.

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