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EY wedding themed day

Earls Barton Local Calendar
Helen Dabrowski


Dear EYFS parents,

In RE this term we are looking at celebrations; weddings in particular. We have looked at a traditional Christian wedding and how that is the same/different to weddings from  other religions. To enhance this learning, we have decided to have a wedding re-enactment in school. This will take place on Friday 7th February.

On this day, we would like to ask the children to come into school dressed in their best clothes (weather appropriate) and they will all be involved in our special day. If you have special traditional or religious clothing which your child would like to wear, please feel free to dress them in this as this can be a topic of conversation and something to celebrate and share.

If you have any further questions about this, please find us on the door.

Kind regards,

The EYFS team